Miner's Final Magic
Foaled May 29, 2017 TWH # 21702195 Buckskin Tovero
The Gold Miner x Star's Magic Shot tested Homozygous Tobiano & frame overo gene too
Fee: $500

The LAST son of Supreme Natiobnal Versatility Champion The Gold Miner, and he saved one of the best for last. Homozygous tobiano buckskin with a frame overo gene as well, Finn will guarantee you a spotted baby. He has an outstanding, willing disposition and he WALKS!! His babies are everything I had hoped for and more!

Bourbon With Blues
Homozygous Classic Roan
Foaled Aug. 7, 2019 TWH # 21901270 He's Silky Blue x Blue Tunes 15.3H

This super handsome young man is the total package. Big, well bred, well built, super disposition, extremely talented and well gaited. He is currently 15.3H and still growing. BB could win a world class model class. His pedigree reads like who's who of blues, including such horses as Indigo Blue, Pusher's Slew of Blue, McCurdy's Roan Lightning and Blues Man. He is Silver Design and McCurdy on the bottom. ALL FOUR grandparents are classic roan. He loves attention and to learn new things. He is quiet natured but more than willing to work. He will both WALK and rack with a great hind end while doing the running walk.
His 1st foal on the ground is a spectacular classic blue roan sabino (pictured below) and his 2nd crop is full of beautiful blues as well as buckskin and palomino roans. BB is one special young stallion that can produce a phenomenal individual for you.
Stud Fee: $500 FCFG

He's Black Hills Gold (Buck)
Supreme National Versatility Champion
No longer standing to the public

Velvet Spirit F-88 x Tehitian Gold Dappled Buckskin Stallion
He's Black Hills Gold known as "Buck" is the First Buckskin stallion in the history of the Walking Horse to EVER earn the Supreme National Versatility Championship.
He is a dark metallic dappled buckskin with lots of talent and presence. He has earned the TWHBEA High Point Championship in Western Riding (Pattern Class) and the TWHEBEA Reserve High Point Championship in Reining. Most of his points in Reining were earned against AQHA's and Paints
Buck has earned TWHBEA National top 10 Awards in Model (halter), English Pleasure, Western Pleasure, Trail Obstacle, and Water Glass Class. He has also won Super Horse High point awards.
Buck's foals usually have his athletic talent, deep striding hind end, and trainability. They have his fantastic head and eyes, and often his golden coat. Buck babies have won Futurities, many flat shod championships, and 2 of them are among the top perlino and cremello sires in the Nation. They make fearless, super smooth trail companions

He's Got Designer Genes (Cinch)
SOLD Congratulations CiCi, Deer Park, WA
Perlino stallion Color Genetics: Ee/AA/nd1/CrCr
GUARANTEED Buckskin or Palomino foals with non dilute mares
Cinch: High as #25 on TWHBEA's Sires List, listed nearly every year standing $7500

The Gold Miner
Supreme Versatility Champion
In Loving Memory
April 30, 1994 - October 25, 2018
It is with a heavy heart that I announce that The Gold Miner is no longer with us. He was the first Spotted TWH to ever earn the title of Supreme National Versatility Champion, and first in our hearts. An outstanding show horse, sire, friend and all around individual.